Sunday, April 8, 2018

Photos from our Spring Flower Workshop Yesterday

Spring has sprung, at least in Williamsburg where we spent the day creating scrappy collage backgrounds with fused flowers on top.  I am so proud of all the students - they dove right in and had a great time!

just needs leaves and a stem!

three patterns to choose from...

laying out and pinning a collaged background from scraps

ready to sew!

so many scraps to choose from!

selecting thread

Suzi uses perfect hand position for free-motion stitching

tracing the flower to fusible web

lady's slipper orchid in progress

almost done tracing and fusing!

fusing pattern pieces

using the non-stick pressing sheet

selecting just the right purples

the room way busy

the machines were humming

some machines worked better than others, so we shared!

choosing a green for the base of the flower

wake robin (trillium) ready to stitch!

lovely pale background - the flower shows up well!
Wunderley decided to do her own flowers!

lady's slipper ready for stitching and veins in the leaf
Kathy's Trillium - what a fantastic choice of fabric for the leaves!


1 comment:

  1. This was an amazing workshop! I am such an absolute beginner, I almost chickened out and didn't go. Now I can't wait to do another one! If you have ever even considered trying something like this, don't hesitate. It was a wonderful experience.
