Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tiffany Window Project

So, my latest big news is that I'm working on a big piece!  This will be a 4' x 6.5' Tiffany window style quilt for Village Church in Cummington.  The goal is to post regular updates as I go along, but it's been under way for a few weeks now, so it's time to get the blog caught up!  Here's the original sketch.  In the final piece, the mountains will be altered to reflect the local hills, and there will be a slightly different assortment of wildflowers.  The quilt will hang inside the painted arch at the front of the sanctuary.  See below. 

The Messiah Sing at Village Church

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Betzi! Really looks like light is shimmering through. Great effect.
