Sunday, November 12, 2017

Yesterday's Landscape Quilt Workshop

Wow, what a talented group we had yesterday for our landscape workshop!  My head is already full of ideas about what we need to do next time!  Eight brave students turned out to spend 6 hours designing everything from Monet's garden to the Sierras, summery green hills, an ocean, vineyards, and a wintery back yard!  I had a blast.  Everyone jumped right in, and we had fabric EVERYWHERE!

Here are some in progress snapshots.  My phone didn't save as many pics as I thought 'cause the memory was filling up, but hopefully folks will send me shots of their finished pieces as they stitch them up over the coming weeks!  I am very proud of everyone!

The Classroom, with everyone hard at work

Tina brought THE most beautiful fabric!

cutting out trees using a leaf pattern

the sky for an ocean scene

yes, we used lots of fabric...

winter gazebo!

Suzi was very enthusiastic!

Pinned and ready-to-stitch.  What a great job for a first-time student! I love the touch of sunlight in the distance.

Vineyards pin-basted.  Gorgeous colors.

Rising sunflower with crane.

Planning the sky.

Aspens in the Sierras.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Getting ready for another Paradise City show!

Columbus Day weekend, I'll be back at Paradise City Arts Festival on the Northampton Fairgrounds.  I can't believe how fast the summer has flown!  Those of you in my quilt guild have already had a peek at my latest quilt.  If you're in town, stop by the show to see her in person.

Harvest Moon - Remembering Autumn  ~ 26" x 48"

Friday, May 26, 2017

One Day!

The Paradise City artisans set up today!  Took about 3 hours to get my own booth up, and the show opens at 10 am tomorrow!  The ground is soggy, but the load in was easy, and the rain should stop shortly!  I'll be in the third building on the left.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Two Days Until Paradise City Arts Festival

And here's the 2nd screech owl...

Screech Owl #7 - Red, in progress

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Three Days Until Paradise City Arts Festival

Of course I have other things to do, but if I'm lucky, maybe I'll finish a pair of owls in time for the show!  This one still needs the beak stitched in.  The second owl will be red, 'cause they come in two flavors.

Gray Screech Owl - detail, unfinished

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Four Days until Paradise City!

We can all dream, right?

another small quilted greeting card!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Five Days!

There's just something about sea turtles... they are amazing, ancient creatures.  And, maybe it has to do with where my husband proposed!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Six Days!

This is one of my more abstract pieces.

Sun in the Forrest

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Seven Days!

We have a hummingbird on our feeder!  (Last year we also had a downy woodpecker that would stop by for nectar!!!)

Hummingbird Moon - detail

Friday, May 19, 2017

Eight Days until Paradise City!

Thistle Finches - detail      Always fun to use up all those scraps for backgrounds!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Nine Days until Paradise City!

Every spring, Paradise City runs a silent auction and donates the proceeds to a local non-profit.  This year it's the International Language Institute.  Here's my contribution:

4" x 6" untitled

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Ten Days until Paradise City

the plan for tonight... assemble hardware and equipment for my booth! 
My husband designed the flamingo for me as a birthday card, and we couldn't resist turning it into a small quilt!

Steampunk Flamingo - detail

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Eleven Days until Paradise City (sorry I missed a post on day twelve)

I'm in bird mode this spring.  Here's an evening grosbeak.  I can recall seeing them at my father's feeder in the winter as a child, but I don't think I've seen one as an adult.  I've always loved gold and black birds as a result though.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Thirteen Days Until Paradise City

This is a detail from Tea with Wren #3.  (The Carolina Wren says, "tea kettle, tea kettle, tea!"

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fourteen Days Until Paradise City!

This is my entry for their special exhibit, Birds of Paradise

Green Jay 10" x 14"

Friday, May 12, 2017

Fifteen Days until Paradise City!

Paradise City Arts Festival
These folks have been my neighbors at the show for the past two years.  I hope they're back this spring, they have wonderful garden sculpture!  (Note the allosaurus skull in the background.)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New! Mini-Quilt Greeting Cards!

Bringing a few mini-quilt greeting cards to Paradise City Arts Festival Memorial Day Weekend at the Noho Fairgrounds! Here are some samples.

Dawn Hills

Sonoma Red

Lazy Afternoon
Blackbird Moon
Fishing for Dreams

Sunday, February 5, 2017


As of Jan 1, 2017, I will be donating 10% of all sales to non-profits working to resist our current administration. I am currently donating to my local public radio station and to the ACLU, but when you make a purchase you can get in touch with me me to express a preference for the donation to go to Planned Parenthood, environmental groups, LBGT support, etc. 

detail:  Crow Dreams of Fire

Crow Dreams of Fire 13" x 21"

Monday, January 23, 2017

Finally finished!

My latest commission - finally off to it's new home.  Here are some of the in progress shots.  Those cherry trees have over 1500 hand-stitched seed beads on them.

final quilt - 50" x 60"
original reference photo
color sketch

house sketch

detail of finished house

detail of flag and trees

the birthday!